jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Starcraft 2 News

StarCraft is, without any doubt, one of the most successful strategy game in history, thanks to a combination of endless strategic depth, Blizzard's seemingly continous devotion to its fans and the thrive for excellence. The launch of Starcraft 2 will surely take the world by storm. It would be best not to schedule any important meetings on that day as an influx of coincidental sick leaves will leave managers baffled. The same thing happened with the launch of Halo 3 in 2007.

Starcraft 2 continues four years after the events of Brood War. Daggoth is dead, along with the rest of the Cerebrates, and Kerrigan, the sexy Queen of Blades, is the sole power behind the Swarm now. Starcraft 2 races have arguably become more mobile than the original StarCraft with the introduction of the Viking and Medivacs, as well as having a more easily usable Nydus Worm, and Warp-In, keeping the game fast paced and exciting.

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